Mason Ready | Emergency Management & Fire Safety

Fire Emergencies

Latest Mason Alert

Wed, 12 Feb 2025 10:03:33 GMT - Mason Alert: George Mason University is closed today, Wednesday Feb 12, due to inclement weather. See email for more information.

Designated Assembly Area

Designated assembly areas are to be utilized when a building has been evacuated. These designated areas are a safe distance from the building, and keep building occupants safe while allowing emergency response personnel to access the building. Accounting for other students, employees, classmates, and colleagues is facilitated by having all persons within your group, class, office, or work area report to a single location following a building evacuation.

Evacuation Plans

Evacuation PlanEvacuation Plans are maps that designate primary and alternate building evacuation routes. Evacuation Plans are posted throughout all university buildings. Students, employees, and visitors are encouraged to know and use two exit routes for all buildings and know your designated assembly area.

Fire Drills

Fire Drills are conducted on campus in accordance with the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code. Drills are held in all university buildings and are unannounced. For more information on fire drills please reference the Fire Safety Plan.

Fire Extinguisher Training

Learn to safely and confidently operate a fire extinguisher at this hands-on training. This training session consists of a 1/2 hour classroom training and 1/2 hour hands-on practice with the equipment. To register, click here (if not on campus, you must connect to VPN to open the registration link).

Individuals with Disabilities

Persons with a disability may have difficulty evacuating a building without assistance. Individuals who have a mobility challenge and are unable to exit the building should proceed to an Area of Assistance to await aid from emergency response personnel. Contact EHS for additional guidance on how to plan for and respond to fire emergencies.

Unit Fire Safety Plan

A Unit Fire Safety Plan is a customizable plan for each university unit on campus that outlines unique hazards that may contribute to a fire and procedures that must be observed by the unit to mitigate the potential damages from fire based on the unit’s activities. All university buildings that are assigned an “assembly” or “residence” use group designation are required to maintain a Unit Fire Safety Plan.