Mason Ready | Emergency Management & Fire Safety

Event Guides

Latest Mason Alert

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Crowd Manager

Crowd Managers must be present at all events where attendance is 1,000 persons or more to assist with fire emergencies and building evacuations. The Crowd Manager Guide provides instructions on how to identify, train, and assign crowd managers.

Event Approval

If an event that is registered with Events Management or University Life requires the signature of an Emergency Management & Fire Safety representative to approve your event, please bring your event approval forms to 4393 University Drive, Police and Safety Headquarters second floor (map). You may also fax your approval request to (703) 993-8996 or submit it by email to [email protected]

Fire Extinguisher Training

Learn to safely and confidently operate a fire extinguisher at this hands-on training. This training session consists of a 1/2 hour classroom training and 1/2 hour hands-on practice with the equipment. To register, click here (if not on campus, you must connect to VPN to open the registration link).

Pyrotechnics (e.g., fireworks or flames used indoors)

All aerial fireworks, flame effects, indoor use of pyrotechnics (i.e. flame or spark producing devices) must be permitted by the State Fire Marshal’s Office. The Pyrotechnics (Fireworks) Display Guide provides information on how to complete an Aerial Firework Application.